As with all our community programmes, we at St John deliver our first aid trainings and services through local volunteers, people who are embedded in their villages and cities, where their friends and families live. Our army of everyday heroes is more than 200,000 strong, and they come from all walks of life.

Even the smallest ones can learn basic first aid. In Sri Lanka we call them kitties, in England they are known as badgers. They take part in a wide range of fun activities based on essential first aid and other topics, earning badges and certificates for each completed activity.

Most of our national St John organisations have a dedicated youth organisation, called Cadets, where older kids between 10 and 17 years engage in first aid activities. They are the doctors, paramedics and nurses from tomorrow, and today they learn how to help people in need.

Our first aid trainings and activities cater to a broad range of target groups. In Australia, St John already trained more than one million school children in first aid, as part of the national curriculum. In other parts of world, like in Malawi and St Lucia, we reach people through their community groups, their local church group or sports club? We train fire marshals in England and many other countries, and we provide special first aid courses for parents and for pet owners Canada.

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