St John Scotland Prior visits St John South Africa

The Duchess of Argyll, Prior of St John Scotland, visited the sister organisation to learn more about their community health services. St John South Africa took the opportunity to tell her more about the work they are doing in the fields of community eye care, training and home based care.

The morning began with attending Eucharist at Bishopscourt, led by St John South Africa’s Prior, The Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba, Archbishop of Cape Town, followed by informal yet informative talks.

Attending the meeting were (in the photo above from left to right) Fatima Hoosen (Head of Optometry), Saroj Rajoo (Head of Training), Dr Thabo Makgoba (Prior of the Order in South Africa), The Duchess of Argyll (Prior of the Order in Scotland) and Paul Stander (CEO of St John South Africa).