
  • Police Officer Steps Up as First Aider to Assist Pregnant Woman in Distress

    Port Moresby, 30 December 2024 – A pregnant woman, preparing to board a chartered flight to a remote village in Central Province, went into sudden labour, requiring urgent medical attention. The situation quickly escalated, leaving the woman distressed and in need of immediate care. Fortunately, Reserve Constable Clement Yobunas, also a
    trained first aider, stepped forward to provide critical assistance.

  • Wellbeing in Leadership

    Mark Molloy, Intensive Care Paramedic and Wellbeing Peer Support Officer at ACT Ambulance Service (previously National Manager Training and Development at St John Ambulance Australia), joined our Global Leadership Development Programme to share his experiences around the importance of wellbeing in leadership.

  • Global Leaders for a Global Order

    Imagine 23 strangers, representing 15 different countries, coming together for two weeks of intensive training, to prepare a presentation on a solution for a global business challenge. It may sound like the premise of a new reality show, but it actually describes the Order of St John’s first Global Leadership Development Programme.


    This article was originally published in the Priory of USA’s December 2024 Newsletter:

  • Global Connections Key for Future St John Leaders

    Connection was the take home learning for St John WA team members Alysha and Sophie, who travelled to Europe last month as part of St John International training programme.


    This article was originally published on St John WA’s website:

  • 2024 Christmas Message from our Lord Prior

    Professor Mark Compton, Lord Prior, shares a Christmas message to all within our St John family.

  • HRH The Duchess of Gloucester Recognised for Half a Century of Support for St John Ambulance Cymru

    HRH The Duchess of Gloucester was recently presented with an Ultra Long Service Medal in recognition of 50 years of service to the Order of St John and St John Ambulance Cymru.


  • Christmas Prayer from Prelate Tim Stevens

    As we gather to celebrate the joyous season of Christmas, we are reminded of the profound hope and light brought into the world through the birth of Christ. In the words of Prelate Tim Stevens, “The celebration of the Birth of Jesus reminds us that, for two thousand years, those who live in darkness have seen a great light.”

    This prayer invites us to embrace the joy of His coming, walk in His truth, and share His love with others. Let us reflect on these words as we read this Christmas prayer:

  • Monthly Bulletin from St John Eye Hospital

    As we follow with concern the terrible events in the Middle East and the impact on our friends and colleagues in the Eye Hospital Group in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza, we are working closely with the St John Eye Hospital Group to share the latest information about the crisis, and its influence on our expert eye-care services.