COVID-19: Our worldwide response

St John organisations in more than 36 countries are fighting at the frontline against COVID-19. Our volunteers and staff are supporting national health systems, which otherwise would not be able to cope with the virus and its effects on the local population.

Although most income generating activities, such as commercial first aid training, have been suspended, St John is allocating resources to crucial activities, which help thousands of people survive.

TOGETHER against Covid-19 campaign page

How St John is helping

St John organisations are helping their local communities in many ways. Here are some examples of our work.

  • Ambulance services have been adapted to COVID-19 response activities. Ambulances are used for emergency services, for patient transport and as health shuttles. In most countries, St John continues crucial ambulance activities, such as air ambulance and emergency services.
  • St John staff and volunteers are supporting health facilities, for example assessment and testing centres, quarantine stations and shelters, care homes, hospitals and health centres. New emergency hospitals and makeshift clinics in several countries rely heavily on St John volunteers and staff.
  • St John is also providing volunteer opportunities for trained staff from other sectors (for instance the airline industry).
  • Several St John Establishments are actively engaged in manufacturing, sourcing and distributing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Items are provided to hospitals, government agencies, doctors, and police, or sold on a commercial basis.
  • St John training programmes have shifted to e-learning and online classrooms, and training curriculums have been updated to better reflect the current situation. Additional staff training on various topics is being held, and training on COVID-19 is provided to frontline workers. In developing countries, community health education has been used to inform people about the importance of hand washing and social distancing.
  • The establishment of food banks and food distribution activities are lifesaving for many poor, vulnerable and self-isolating people. St John also distributes medication, often in collaboration with local pharmacies. Caring Caller schemes in several countries support elderly and isolated people.

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Our Impact

Covid related statistics

Thank you for your bravery, for the sacrifices you make every day, for your commitment and for your humanity.