We are St John Singapore

Priory Priory

We promote and encourage the work of St John Singapore in all its aspects and to promote and encourage all works of humanity and charity for the relief of distress, suffering, sickness and danger without any distinction as to race, class or creed, and the extension of the great principles of the Order of St. John embodied in its motto “In the Service of Humanity”.

Getting in touch

St John Singapore
420 Beach Road
Singapore 199582
St John Ambulance Canada

Activities in Singapore

  • First Aid Services
    • Training for the Public, The Cadets in St John Brigade, and other Uniformed Groups
    • Medical Support to National Events, eg. National Day Parade, Chingay and Grand Prix F1 Racing
  • Medical Responses to Community Healthcare Needs
    • Home Nursing and Higher Nursing courses
    • Dementia Centre for Surrounding Elderly
  • Ambulance Services
    • Non-Emergency Ambulance Services
  • Public duties
    • Event Support
St John Singapore