World Health Day: Celebrating nurses, midwives and health workers

They are the true heroes, not just in the current corona pandemic: The countless nurses, midwives and health workers around the globe, who play a vital role in providing crucial health services. Many of St John’s activities would not be possible without their selfless commitment. They devote their lives to caring for mothers and children, for example in our Mother & Baby Programme, they give live saving immunisations and health advice, look after older people, and meet many more everyday essential health needs.

But to achieve universal healthcare by 2030, and to make sure every person gets the health care they need, the world needs nine million more nurses and midwives. 

That’s why the World Health Assembly has designated 2020 the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.

This World Health Day, we say thank you to these heroes. Please find below a message from our Lord Prior Professor Mark Compton, who joins voices from our Johanniter International (JOIN) colleagues and others around the world.