Restart a Heart Conference 2021

Advancing St John’s digital collaboration strategy

On 18 August, St John’s very first global “Restart a Heart” Conference took place online, with more than 90 participants from 15 countries dialing in to hear about collaboration amongst St John members to promote “Restart a Heart Day”.

Being one of the leading healthcare organisations, St John puts a strong focus on first aid and emergency care activities in more than 35 countries. Many of our organisations already run activities for the annual “Restart a Heart Day” on 16 October, which celebrates first aid and reminds us that all citizens of the world can save a life, when they learn the right skills through first aid training.

Now, St John is looking into ways of joining up the individual country efforts to create a worldwide campaign and boost a theme, which is so close to our hearts.

Over the last months, St John’s Digital Working Group was looking into ways of becoming more collaborative in our work, while learning from each other, sharing successes and accomplishments. The “Restart a Heart” Conference is the first effort to create a platform which helps St John to work better as a community, to share what we are doing, to foster communication and to make people connect globally around first aid.

Supported by a digital quality framework, the Digital Working Group is developing means for better collaboration, for example sharing first aid training curriculums amongst our member organisations, content development, as well as measuring the impact St John has with its “Restart a Heart” activities. Smaller Establishments will have the opportunity to easily adapt activities of the larger St Johns to participate in the annual event, and to enhance their own first aid training and activities.

To cater for different time zones, the conference was held twice, in the morning and in the late afternoon.