John Mah retires as Sub Prior of our Order

“As St John’s Day approaches each year, we turn our minds to the commencement of new terms of appointment of leaders in our Order and also to those who retire from their appointments, often due to maximum terms being served.

One such retirement this year will be our Sub Prior Mr John Mah CD QC GCStJ. John has served the Order in many senior leadership roles, including Chancellor (and a long term volunteer) of the Priory of CanadaDeputy Sub Prior and most recently Sub Prior for the last 6 years.

His quiet, calm, courteous and thoughtful style has been an absolute asset to the senior governing bodies of the Order and moreover, to the leadership teams in many of our Associations, Commanderies and Priories across the world.

John’s strong support for Associations has been demonstrated on countless occasions, earning him trust, confidence and respect of many Association Chairmen. John has provided significant assistance to the leadership team as we navigated varied challenges across the St John world.

John has been wonderfully supported by Anny and all of his family as he has dedicated so much of his time to the Order. Extensive meeting commitments; travel (pre Covid times); endless tele/video conferences; emails etc all take time from families, professions and relaxation time. John (and his family) have given selflessly over an extended period in the service of our lords the sick and the poor.

John will continue his commitment for our Order as a Bailiff Grand Cross and will stay a source of knowledge and wisdom for us in the years to come.

On his retirement from the Great Office of Sub Prior we say a heartfelt thank you to John. We salute you.”

Professor Mark Compton AM
Lord Prior