A message from our Grand Prior

Our Grand Prior, the Duke of Gloucester, sent a message of thanks to the over 250,000 members of St John around the world, thanking them for their work. In 36, mainly Commonwealth countries, St John volunteers have provided hundreds of thousands hours of community service since the Covid-19 crisis began. He acknowledged the work they were doing supporting their local, regional or national health systems. And he thanked them for their bravery and for their humanity.

I have always been impressed by the selfless work done by members of St John around the world to help the vulnerable and sick. As Covid-19 has spread across the globe, it is heartening to hear of how, as a global organisation, you have been at the forefront of protecting and supporting your community.

With over 36 St John organisations, mainly across the Commonwealth, involved and with countless volunteers working at the local, regional or national levels under very difficult circumstances, while supporting your national health systems, you all have much to be proud of. We are all susceptible to this terrible disease, and I thank you for your bravery, for the sacrifices you make every day, for your commitment and for your humanity.

A message from The Grand Prior