French Embassy donates motorcycle ambulances to St John Ambulance Kenya

Following the success of last year donation of motorcycle ambulances, the French Embassy in Kenya has again donated four motorcycle ambulances to St John Ambulance Kenya to help pregnant women in Wayu sublocation, Tana River county, to access health facilities in case of emergencies.

Speaking on Tuesday 5 May at St John headquarters in Nairobi, Ambassador Remi Marechaux said the donation is part of the Sh50 million that the French government had set aside for various projects in marginalised areas.

These four bikes worth Sh3.8 million is just part of the project that we started last year in Wayu area. We realised maternal mortality rates are highest in the area and thought of an alternative way to solve the challenge in the rough terrain,

Remi said.

Remi said the 175cc modernised motorcycles are fitted with bigger wheels compared to the normal bikes for them to overcome the rough terrain in Tana River.

We have also fitted strong shock absorbers, trauma kits and safety belts. In partnership with St John, we have trained more than 55 youths in first aid and five more on how to handle and maintain the bikes,

Remi said.

In Tanyu River county, pregnant women often find it difficult to access the nearest health centre and can face many maternal complications which can led to death. Wayu chief Ali Hussein said the donation will help reduce maternal mortality rates.

For years our women have suffered. We are forced to use donkeys to take them to the nearest health facility 60km away,

Hussein said.

motorcycle ambulance

French Ambassador to Kenya, H.E Rémi Maréchaux rides with Tana River County Governor Amb. Hussein Dado in the new St John motorcycle ambulance