Helping Alice to become a mother of a healthy child

Alice is from rural Malawi, and by the time she was 34 years old she had five pregnancies. Three of her babies died at birth.

She had never gone to any health check-ups during pregnancy because she simply didn’t know how important they are. She also never learned how to make sure her own health and the health of her child were protected.

During her most recent pregnancy, Alice was visited by St John Malawi volunteers who were providing support to households for healthy motherhood. For the first time ever, Alice learned about frequent check-ups that can help to spot problems early enough, from pregnancy right through the first weeks of the infant’s life.

The local volunteers also encouraged her to have a safe delivery at a health centre, where a trained health worker can act immediately if complications occur. Happily, Alice gave birth to a healthy child.

Across Sub-Saharan Africa, there is an unacceptably high number of mothers and newborn infants who die each year.

But it doesn’t take a lot to help a mother and her baby through a safe delivery and in the first months after birth.

To learn more about the Mother and Baby Programme, and how to support it, click on the button below: