Volunteers from Kenya responds to Nairobi’s Westgate Mall Attack

The attack which started on Saturday 21 September 2013 at around 1300 hours, saw around 15 armed men from Somali terrorist group Al Shaabab storm the upmarket Westgate mall, popular with wealthy Kenyans, expats and tourists alike, by opening fire and throwing grenades at innocent shoppers.

Staff and volunteers from St John Kenya were among the first on the scene with paramedics, first aiders and ambulances, to help treat and transport injured people and casualties. St John volunteers have been working tirelessly ever since, providing constant assistance during highly challenging and traumatic conditions.

St John Kenya has also been instrumental in taking blood donations from thousands of Kenyans who queued for hours to help the many injured, with St John Kenya volunteers working round the clock.

So far 62 people have been killed, over 170 injured and at the time of writing the siege was still underway with around 60 people still reported missing. However, security personnel successfully managed to evacuate around 1000 people to safety.

An Order of St John spokesperson said:

Our thoughts go out to everyone affected by this terrible tragedy at this sad time and our heartfelt condolences go out to all those who have lost a loved one and all of the Kenyan people during this tragedy. Our thoughts are also with our colleagues in St John Kenya who are working tirelessly and with great courage to assist with medical support throughout this dreadful event.