Storm Freddy returns to Malawi

A message from our Lord Prior Prof Mark Compton

“All of us across the St John world were incredibly saddened to learn of the devastation that Cyclone Freddy has caused along its path.

We know that Malawi has been particularly badly hit. Cyclonic winds and torrential rain have caused significant damage and, sadly, the loss of life.

We know that St John people in Malawi have lost loved ones, and we have also lost families who were participants in our Mother and Baby programme there. Our fervent prayers and our thoughts are with everyone affected. For those who have passed, may they rest in peace and rise in glory.

We are proud of the work St John people across the world do, especially in times of disaster and tragedy. We stand beside the people of Malawi and all those affected by these terrible events.

With my very best wishes to the whole St John family”

Prof Mark Compton
Lord Prior