St John Solomon Islands assists people during violent riots

Since the outbreak of violent anti-government riots in the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, our national St John organisation has played a major role in maintaining ambulance services for people affected. St John is also supporting the police and other health structures.

“I am proud to say St John is allowed free passage on both sides without interference. I am also proud to say our young volunteers between 19 and 24 have been working 12 to 14 hours shifts and have not faltered under daunting circumstances of passing through rioting groups of up to 5,000 people.”Douglas Kelson, Chief Officer St John Solomon Islands

St Johns Solomon Islands

During the violent outbreak, more than 35 large commercial buildings have been burnt down, and an estimated 50% of food supplies for the Capital Honiara have been destroyed. In addition, banks have been burnt, and St John is operating without cash supply, purely relying on support from businesses, which keep donating fuel. Providing food and support to St John volunteers to maintain services stays a challenge.

More than 100 security personal from Australia and 100 troops from PNG have arrived at the Solomon Islands, and a curfew was imposed indefinitely.