St John welcomes Steve Evans as new Sub Prior of the Order

The Grand Prior, His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester, has confirmed the appointment of Dr Steve Evans as new Sub Prior of the Order of St John. He follows John Mah, who retired from this position on St John’s Day. Steve is a Bailiff Grand Cross of St John, and as Sub Prior one of our five Great Officers.

“I am looking forward to working with Dr Evans”, Secretary General Susan le Jeune d’Allegeershecque says.

As the Sub Prior, he will offer vital support to the Lord Prior as we make our global strategy a reality across the St John family. He brings a wealth of experience as a leader and clinician to this crucial role for our organisation. I know he will be a great asset, particularly through his support to St John Associations to help them thrive in their regions.

Steve is the Immediate Past Chancellor of St John New Zealand, where he is also a member of St John New Zealand’s Priory Honours, Priory Nominations, Clinical Governance, Risk and Audit, People and Capability, and National Property Committees. He has been Chairman of the Hamilton Area Committee for seventeen years.

In his more than thirty-five years service for St John, Steve has been involved in many international aspects of St John. He served on the International Executive Committee of the Order for the three years, and took a leading role in the Asia Pacific region.

A medical professional, Steve has a strong background in health. He has held leadership positions within his local health board and nationally, and currently works as Maxillofacial Surgeon. He enjoys fishing, travel, cycling, and outdoor activities.