International Volunteer Day: Celebrating volunteers around the world

This International Volunteer Day (IVD), we not only celebrate volunteerism in all its facets – but also pay special tribute to people’s participation in making a difference locally, nationally and globally.

Please read a message below from our Sub Prior John Mah, who gives thanks to our St John volunteers.

To my dear St John volunteers,

We celebrate International Volunteers Day on 5 December, and I want to take this opportunity to thank each one of you for your hard work.

Despite the difficulties of Covid-19 thousands of St John volunteers were at the forefront of medical, community and societal responses. From helping to provide medical care, supporting the vaccination rollout, to doing shopping for vulnerable neighbours, or checking up on elderly people living alone.

Year after year our fantastic volunteers continue to do a great job of fulfilling our mission of service to communities worldwide.  

We thank you once again for your commitment to helping make the world a better place.

John Mah, Sub Prior