A Christmas greeting to all five Johannine Orders

Reflecting on a memorable visit to the Johanniter Swiss Commandery twelfth century stronghold Bubikon in late September – a wonderful moment of unity in prayer and festivity – we wish a blessed and happy Christmas and New Year to all.

Present in the photograph of the evening of 20 September 2021 are the Swiss Commander Dr Daniel Gutscher; the Lutheran pastor and Catholic priest of the area; the Swiss Hospitaller of the Order of Malta, Verena Vorwerk, her colleague Elisa Stadlinger of Austria, the Chancellor of the Nederland Order Dr Jan Willem Storm van’s Gravesande, a senior member of the Swedish Order, Nils Bildt, the Chancellor of our own Order Gillian Willmore, a number of guests from the Swiss Commandery and Thomas Vorwerk whose initiative brought the working group together.

All images: © Marco Zanoli