The Reverend Canon Christopher Pratt was originally recognized for consideration as a Member of the Order for his unique ability to blend his pastoral life and profession with a passion for not-for-profit governance, leadership, education and volunteer support to St. John volunteers, initially at the municipal level as a Branch (Local) Chair, and subsequently with the Council and Nationally, serving in almost every volunteer governance role afforded to volunteer leaders within St. John, including St. John Chaplaincy. Rev. Canon Pratt exemplifies the fundamental values of St. John and remains a strong advocate for the health and well-being of St. John members.
This picture was taken at the National Investiture with the First Nations Elder who offered the Land Acknowledgement at the beginning of the Investiture ceremony.

Christopher reflected on his experiences since being admitted to the Order: “My name appears in the Canada Gazette as a Serving Brother of the Order on May 22nd, 1999. It is amazing to note the speed at which twenty – six years have flown by while sharing in the life of St John.
I have served as a Chaplain and local Branch Board member for two different Branches, Chair of the Provincial Annual General Meeting and Investiture Committee, Member of the SJA Province of Ontario Council Board, Vice Chair of the Provincial Council Board, Member of the Priory Chapter, Chaplain for the St John Ambulance Province of Ontario Board, (now Chaplain Emeritus) and Sub Dean of the Priory of Canada.
Image: The Rev. Canon Christopher Pratt dedicating a memorial bench at the gravesite of Mr. James Newell, Founder of the St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog Program

During the time I was serving as the St John Ambulance Council for Ontario Board Provincial Chaplain, I provided leadership for a team that put together the St John Council for Ontario Prayer Resource Book which is available in English and in French. That resource has been made available for use throughout the Province of Ontario, across the Priory of Canada and was shared at the Grand Council meetings in Wales. A copy of the Prayer Book has also been received by our Sovereign. I was fortunate to receive a note of appreciation from Buckingham Palace staff on behalf of His Majesty.”