Davies Katongo became a Member of the Order in 2021 as a recognition of his dedication towards the Mama Na Mwana Project (Mother and Baby) in Zambia.
As the first Coordinator of the Project in 2015, he provided leadership to the volunteers and support staff, ensuring that the project could achieve its intended results. From the onset of the Mother and Baby project, lives of both mothers and babies have been saved, and this makes the project very significant.
Davies has progressed through St John Zambia from his initial role as a community mobiliser by showcasing his leadership, strong management skills and willingness to always go the extra mile.

Davies shares his own reflections on his admission to the Order: “Since assuming the role of Project Coordinator in 2016, I have dedicated myself wholeheartedly to my work at St John, fostering deep connections with health facilities and building strong collaborative relationships with healthcare staff. These partnerships have enabled us to engage a wide range of stakeholders, including Traditional Leaders, Church Leaders, influential community members, and the Ministry of Health, which remains one of our key collaborators. I am confident that the skills we have imparted to our volunteers through comprehensive training sessions Safe Motherhood Action Groups (SMAGs) have had a transformative impact on the lives of our beneficiaries and the broader community. Through these efforts, we have contributed significantly to the government’s health initiatives by achieving measurable outcomes such as:
– Increased early antenatal bookings within the first trimester.
– A notable reduction in home deliveries.
– Enhanced uptake of family planning services.
– Improved male involvement in maternal and child health programmes.
These achievements are well-documented in our reports, which consistently demonstrate year-on-year progress and success. Another milestone I am particularly proud of is the 100% retention rate of our volunteers. This success can be attributed to my deliberate efforts to engage volunteers who possess a strong sense of ownership and commitment to the program’s mission. By creating an inclusive and supportive environment, I have ensured their sustained involvement and motivation. Furthermore, the monthly collection of case studies highlights the tangible impact of our initiatives and underscores how beneficiaries remain actively engaged in our programmes. These stories not only serve as a testament to our work but also inspire continuous improvement and innovation. Through these collective efforts, I remain committed to advancing the mission of St John and making a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve.”